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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gigaton Throwdown Initiative (GiT)

Details at Global Climate Change Coalition.

June 24, 2009: The Gigaton Thrown Initiative (GiT) (www.ileonardo.com/group/13173/Gigaton-Throwdown), founded by Sunil Paul, will present on June 24 of what they claim will be a "groundbreaking" report outlining a path to a major economic opportunity, job growth, energy security, energy independence, and climate stabilization by 2020. Speakers include:

- Senator John Kerry;
- Sunil Paul, Founder of the Gigaton Throwdown Initiative;
- Marc Porat, Chairman, Serious Materials, CalStar Cement, ZETA homes;
- Martin Lagod, Firelake Capital Management;
- Will Coleman, Mohr Davidow Ventures;
- Harrison Dillion, Co-founder and President, Solazyme;
- Dan Kammen, UC Berkeley;
- Sabrina Spatari, Drexel University;
- Claire Tomkins, Gigaton Throwdown Initiative;
- others from the clean energy and academic communities.

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